Our Story

Hej, Olá, I’m Sara :)

With both Brazilian and Swedish heritage, I’ve always felt a strong connection to these two cultures. Growing up immersed in their traditions has shaped my perspective and inspired the vision behind this brand.

- a blend of influences -

To me, skincare, beauty products, and home essentials are more than just everyday items — they’re tools that can lift your mood, bring joy, and reflect your personal style. Blending Swedish and Brazilian influences felt like a natural step in my journey.

Sweden offers minimalist design, multifunctional products, and the joy of creating a cozy, balanced home. Brazil brings warmth, rich colors, and a sense of creativity inspired by its diverse nature and culture.

By merging these two worlds, I’ve created a beauty brand that embodies the perfect balance — minimalism and functionality with a touch of creativity and color. I’m excited to share this journey with you and to create products that inspire and bring joy to your everyday life.

Thank you for being part of it!

xx, Sara